Set tURL to (text returned) of (display dialog "Enter a URL:" default answer tURL default button "OK") Tell application "Firefox" to Get URL tURL Copy the AppleScript source code below, between the lines of - Code starts here -' and '- Code ends here - ' Now that you know where 'Script Editor' is, here is some basic source code, to start with. The codes above are derived from the following one, which reloads the front window of WamCom 1.3.1 (refined Mozilla 1.3.1) under OS9.1 at hand. If «event GURLGURL» is compiled as 'open location' and that lets the script fail, try something as follows. Here I used AppleScript raw code because I've heard that, e.g., 'get URL of window 1' cannot be complied with Firefox but 'get «class curl» of window 1' can be actually executed.

«event GURLGURL» u given «class HWIN»:window 1 As far as I know, Firefox's AppleScript support is very little.

If next code reloads the front window of Firefox, then there's hope to adjust it for your needs.